Join over 8,000 other sole traders and freelancers using NextLink Agency to get their finances
in order, all for less than a few lattes each month – a lot less than unpaid invoices, forgotten expenses,
or an unexpected tax bill.
“I used to leave everything till January and then spend the month panicking (…) Whereas now it's really reassuring to know that it's all waiting in [NextLink Agency] and you can get an idea of where you are throughout the year.”
“As soon as I started using [NextLink Agency] I was like, wow this is so easy and convenient, and almost addictive in a way. It has really, really helped me lighten the load, so that I can focus more on other things.”
“Safe to say numbers aren’t my thing, and I’ve dreaded my tax-return every December / January - I’m definitely one of those people leaving my return till midnight on the 31st. Then I stumbled across NextLink Agency (…) Seemed like it was built perfectly for the sort of person like me in mind."
“Now that I've found NextLink Agency, I don’t see why I would move - it’s really good! (…) Makes me feel like I am more on top of things.”
Keep track of your financial records as you go for a stress-free tax return.
Find out how much tax to set aside throughout the year - no more guesswork.
See new transctions in real-time, without manually adding them.
Create, send and track invoices in just a few clicks.